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The making of 3D stereoscopic painting

Views : 723
Author : 联凯三维
Update time : 2015-03-11 21:17:08
The making of 3D stereoscopic painting

The popular way of 3D stereoscopic painting is to use the visual difference between people's eyes and the principle of optical refraction to make people directly see a 3D stereoscopic painting in a plane. The things in the painting can not only protrude out of the picture, but also can be hidden in it, vivid and lifelike, giving people a strong visual impact. In a space, objects are relative in size, length, width, front and back, left and right. When we watch the natural scenery, we can naturally see the real 3D space effect.

Ordinary paintings and photographic works, daily printed matter, only use the human eye's sense of light and shadow, light and shade, virtual and real to get a three-dimensional feeling, instead of using the stereo vision of two eyes. One eye and two eyes are the same, we can only see the two-dimensional plane effect, the real three-dimensional feeling has gone. There are only two ways to make 3D effect in order to show the original real spatial relationship and restore a wonderful world

Method 1: we need to take the method of three-dimensional real shot to make the painting, so as to achieve the real three-dimensional effect. That is to take multiple photos of the same object from different angles;

Method 2: a plane picture is processed by special software to make several pictures with a certain pixel shift, which has the same function as stereoscopic photography; then the true stereoscopic effect of the picture can be restored by synthetic printing and adding stereoscopic grating material.